I would like to thank
Pikes Peak Pillow Company for presenting me with my first stylish blogger award! I feel very honored and blessed for being recognized. Thank you, Terri!
The rules for accepting this award are:
1.) Give thanks to the person who gave you the award, and link back to them
2.) Mention 7 facts about yourself
3.) Pass it on
Here are 7 Facts About Me:
1. I just got married last June. My husband is obnoxious and crazy and I love him for it!
2. I am a graphic designer and work at a hospital. I love my job and the people I work with - its been such a blessing!
3. I am a part of a church that my dad pastor's over, and I am ever so greatful for it! More importantly, I love my Lord and Savior and live my life for Him.
4. My husband got into biking last year. I almost fainted when he told me how much the bike that he wanted to buy was! But now I just bought a bike as well, and although I've only had it a few weeks I am already loving it!
5. I went to South Africa almost two years ago, and will be going back soon with my husband - My heart holds a special place for Africa and for the people there that need the Lord.
6. Right now I am totally addicted to chocolate pudding with whip cream and oreos on top. I feel like a pregnant lady with cravings - but I promise I'm not pregnant!
7. I start Farrels (a weight loss program) tomorrow and I have to run the mile outside. Right now it is SNOWING! But, my husband recently participated in Farrels as well and I am determined to beat his time in the mile (rain, snow or shine), ha!
Again, thank you, Terri! This has been a lot of fun!